Here you will begin your journey and join the brave adventurers from all over Lore. To assist you in this mission, we created the learning units, which will teach you how things work here.
We are HollowInk, a Brazilian guild founded on October 6, 2019. We value the mutual growth of our members. If you like to help other players and venture into Adventure Quest Worlds, you are in the right place!
To keep the guild on track, teamwork is essential. Meet each of our officers below.
Stay on tuned on everything that happens in the AQWorlds by following our social networks or joining our Discord.
Order is maintained through the rules. Be aware that in order to remain in the guild you must agree to what is said below, thus becoming a Lord of Order!
Treat people with respect! ANY type of prejudice related to race, sexuality, ethnicity, etc is strictly prohibited;
It is not allowed to disclose or use bots, launchers, trainers, macros, APKs or any other illegal third party program;
Trading, donating or sharing accounts is strictly prohibited;
We do not tolerate defamation of players or guilds;
Completing at least one weekly challenge on our Discord server is crucial. Otherwise, the member will be removed for inactivity;
It is forbidden to teach bugs / glitchs / exploits within the guild and its social networks;
And what we consider most important: help whoever needs it, whether they are from the guild or not!
HollowInk is a unique guild and brings innovations to improve your experience as a member and as a player of Adventure Quest Worlds!