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Guild Panel by Marcel

Writer's picture: HollowInkHollowInk

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Good day! My name is Marcel also known as Pen. I’m a musician, an artist and a player of Artix Entertainment’s games.

Special thanks to my friends Skrits, Teka, Diogon, Neihi, Dominik, Ves who have helped me to take these ideas out of the box and to the entire guild community.

All the suggestions below are NOT coming in-game. Always check design notes at AQ.COM/GameDesignNotes for official updates. Contact me through my Discord (Heromerom#0787) or Twitter.

1. Main Frame

The main guild panel frame will have 3 sections: General, Message of the Day and Navigation Menu.

1.1. General
  1. Level - members can get EXP to their guild by completing guild quests. You can see how much is left to level up by hovering the red bar.

  2. Capacity - amount your guild has / max purchasable guild slots. By clicking on MORE, you can buy more slots.

  3. Balance - that's your total guild currency balance. By clicking on DONATE, you will be redirected to the Sanctuary page.

1.2. Message of The Day
  1. MOTD - click to edit the current Message of the Day.

  2. Guild Hall - click to go to the Guild Hall.

  3. Shop - click to open the exclusive guild shop.

2. Roster

The Guild Roster should handle a bunch of information about guild members, and it should be easy to manage. I took the liberty to make this mockup using Artix Entertainment’s assets based on AQWorlds’ community feedback.

This mockup features: search member, last seen and quick action menu. The roster is also sorted by role, nickname and activity, so we will always see who is online first.

3. Quests

The Guild Quests would be a feature that allows the member to get experience for its guild and get some guild coins. You can donate your coins (balance) to the guild through the Sanctuary. Once you complete a quest (raid), there will be a cooldown. Locked quests can only be unlocked if the guild meets the requirements.

The Chaos Invasion for example would let you fight waves of chaos minions and then face the Lords of Chaos. Besides receiving guild coins and experience, you would receive exclusive gear or farming resources from it. Icons are placeholders.

4. Sanctuary

This section features Donation, Top Contribution, Passives and Power Words.

4.1 Guild Stash and Top Contributors

The Guild Stash is the total amount of currency the guild has stored. Top Contributors as the name suggest is the list of people who donated more to the guild.

4.2 Passives & Power Words

Only the Guild Leader or Guild Bank Manager can upgrade passives or buy power words.

  1. Passives - those are continuous buffs that can be improved using money from Guild Stash.

  2. Power Words - those are temporary buffs that can be bought using money from Guild Stash.

Here are some Power Words suggestions that might power up the guild system.

5. Settings

These settings were made having in mind some problems the guild managers face in AQWorlds. The system really lacks on features and raising the capacity will only make things harder to do.

5.1 Buttons
  1. Action Log - show every member activity within the guild with timestamp such as joining and leaving, guild chat, bans & warnings, etc.

  2. Edit Roles - edit roles names and its permissions (kick, demote, promote, etc.)

  3. Recruitment Options - settings for Recruitment Page.

  4. Ban List - show the guild blacklist, providing the banned member name and the reason they got banned. (/gb {nick} {reason})

  5. Transfer Ownership - as the name suggests, tranfer the guild ownership to a member

6. Extra Panels



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